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Querying Obsidian Notes created since a date with obsidian-dataview (Misc)
Uploading images to ShotShare using curl (Misc)
Calculating the difference between subsequent values in SQL (SQL)
List pods running on a kubernetes node (Misc)
Delete all keys matching prefix from Redis (Misc)
flock CLI (Python3)
Have the find Command Invoke A Custom Shell Function (BASH)
Calculating the Total Time Spent In A State (Flux)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto Facebook (Misc)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto QQ (Misc)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto Telegram (Misc)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto WhatsApp (Misc)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto LinkedIN (Misc)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto Reddit (Misc)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto LINE Messenger (Misc)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto Twitter (Misc)
Reducing overhead of large S3 file syncs with s3cmd (Misc)
Re-using SSH connections with controlmaster (Misc)
Check Which Region and Service an AWS IP is used for (Misc)
Get monthly power use and cost (Flux)
Rewrite all target _blank links to use rel noopener (Javascript)
Run javascript on document ready (Javascript)
Detect Tor2Web client side (Javascript)
Divide field value by n (Flux)
Listing current switch interface status with Flux (Flux)
Running ps inside a Debian Docker Container (Misc)
Tag a specific drive when capturing usage of all drives on Windows (Telegraf)
Grepping within a gzipped tarball (BASH)
Use Openssl to tunnel plaintext connections over SSL/TLS (Misc)
Iterate over and print all fields and values using TICK script string templating (TICK Scripts)
Have Maven build a jar with all dependencies included (Misc)
Docker CLI Cheat-Sheet (Misc)
Use HTTP Keep-alives with the Python Requests module (Python3)
Check if value exists in table (LUA)
Checking which Ciphers a server supports with OpenSSL (BASH)
List processes currently using swap space (BASH)
Check RAM Slot occupancy in Linux (BASH)
Boost Heating Temperature for 30 minutes (HomeAssistant)
Turn light up 50% on button press, then full, then off (HomeAssistant)
Racadm: Enable Read ahead on disks on a Dell RAID controller (Misc)
Rate limiting connections with iptables and hashlimit (BASH)
Finding the username of a user after they've used sudo (BASH)
Connect to HTTPS upstream with lua-resty-http (LUA)
Lowercase URL Encoding with Urllib in Python3 (Python3)
Check File Descriptor limits for a process (BASH)
Check how many file descriptors a process has open (BASH)
Modifying ulimits in SystemD Unit Files (Misc)
Retrieve Git history for a specific line in a file (Git)
Generating TOTP codes with Python3 (Python3)
Have BASH script fork itself into background (BASH)
Dell racadm - Get remaining life for SSDs (BASH)
Linux software RAID array is in auto-read-only mode (BASH)
Scale a list of numbers down proportionally (Python3)
Automatically adding lists of blocked zones to PiHole (BASH)
Caching POST requests in NGinx (NGinx)
Generating Average related Stats with Awk (BASH)
Check all SSL Certificates in a directory and report those that have expired or will expire soon (BASH)
Auto-rotate images based on their Exif data with ImageMagick (BASH)
Automatically resolving Gluster GFID Mismatch (BASH)
Resolving Gluster GFIDs back to real files and directories (BASH)
Convert Hex to Dec and back again (BASH)
Detect when Enter is pressed within an Input Element (Javascript)
Select contents of element and its children and copy to clipboard (Javascript)
Intercept Console Messages in Javascript (Javascript)
Extract ASCII from a packet capture Hex dump (BASH)
Watermark image with ImageMagick (BASH)
Generate Nonce (Python)
Generate HMACs with different algorithms (Python3)
Install Curl with HTTP2 support on Ubuntu (BASH)
Clearing out old JournalD Entries (BASH)
TShark Cheatsheet (BASH)
SSH Tunnel to HP iLOM (BASH)
Extract Subtitles from Video File with FFMPEG (BASH)
Make the browser preconnect to a domain via javascript (Javascript)
Check if variable is numeric (LUA)
Create ECDSA Keypair from Seed Phrase (BASH)
Calculating Mean, Median, Mode, Range and Percentiles with Javascript (Javascript)
Running a remote instance of Firefox over an SSH tunnel (BASH)
Converting disk back to Ready state from Non-Raid or Foreign on a Dell RAID controller (BASH)
Urldecode string (LUA)
FFMPEG Convert YUV444p to YUV420p (BASH)
Forcing FFMPEG to honour segment length in HLS Stream Creator (BASH)
Force CURL to place request to a specific IP (BASH)
Set a variable only if it is undefined (Javascript)
Ignore query string with Nginx caching proxy (NGinx)
Get breakdown of UK and non-UK votes for a Parliamentary Petition (Python)
Decompress Mozilla Firefox jsonlz4 bookmark backup files (Python)
Setting Git author details for a single repo (Git)
Checking Virtual Machine Resource Allocations with Libvirt (BASH)
Rsync over SSH with a custom port (BASH)
Remotely backing up PFsense Configuration (BASH)
FFMPEG: Converting RMVB to X264 MP4 (BASH)
Recursively print table (print_r equivalent) (LUA)
Bulk Delete Comments from (Self-Hosted) JIRA Issues (Misc)
Add a static entry to the ARP table (BASH)
SSL Cipher Hex codes to Human Readable Names (Misc)
Convert Ascii to Binary (BASH)
Intercepting Outbound DNS Queries (BASH)
Handle Google Verification files within NGinx Configuration (NGinx)
Getting WhatsApp Rich Snippet Previews Working (Misc)
FFMPEG - Extract audio from video file and write to MP3 (BASH)
FFMPEG - Convert WebM (or other) to X264 (BASH)
Convert video to animated GIF on Linux (BASH)
Enable the Key-ID FIDO-U2F token on Linux (Misc)
Dumping MySQL query results out to a CSV (MySQL)
Forwarding iDrac Remote Console ports over SSH Tunnel (BASH)
Install multiple packages with apt in a single task (Ansible)
Install multiple python libs with pip (Ansible)
Get public facing IP of remote machine (Ansible)
Overriding tcUrl and other options with ffplay (BASH)
List USB Flash Drive History (PowerShell)
Removing Firefox Annoyances (Misc)
Healing a GlusterFS Split-Brain (Misc)
SAR Cheatsheet (Misc)
Sort list as if it were numbers (Python)
Automating HLS-Stream-Creator (Python)
Use a variable to fetch an object attribute (Python)
Generating HMACs with different hashing algorithms (Python)
Check if SSL certificate matches private key (BASH)
Generate a SHA1-HMAC (Python)
Bulk Reverting Commits (Git)
Supporting conditional HTTP requests in PHP (PHP)
Returning HTTP status codes in PHP (PHP)
SystemCTL Cheat Sheet (BASH)
Reducing latency of SSH tunnelled connections (BASH)
MDADM (Linux Software RAID) Cheatsheet (BASH)
OpenSSL - Generate self-signed cert in one line (Misc)
Apache - retrieve file from S3 if it does not exist on disk (Misc)
Increasing size of an EXT3 formatted LVM Volume (BASH)
Calculating Maximum Theoretical Throughput of a TCP connection from Window and RTT (Misc)
Inserting new rows based upon a mix of static values and results from another query (MySQL)
Generating a process list without ps (BASH)
Listing active ports without netstat (BASH)
Extract IP addresses with grep (BASH)
Check which processes are using swap (BASH)
Check if variable is table (LUA)
DMesg with human readable timestamps (BASH)
OpenSSL s_client cheat sheet (BASH)
Disabling Wifi Power Save (Android)
URI Encoding Charset (Misc)
ASCII Character Codes (Misc)
Querystring parsing (Javascript)
Place AJAX GET request and trigger callback function with result (Javascript)
XOR string against a given key (Python)
Calculate Edit Distance between two strings (Python)
IPMITool cheatsheet (BASH)
Sun ILOM Cheatsheet (BASH)
racadm cheatsheet for Dell iDRAC (BASH)
Imploding a table (LUA)
Get Video Keyframe Interval (ffprobe) (BASH)
Getting connection speed metrics from curl (BASH)
Ultra-Low latency RTMP playback with ffplay (BASH)
Publishing Webcam to RTMP (FFMPEG) (BASH)
Generating htpasswd entry with OpenSSL (BASH)
Convert Seconds to Timestamp (Python)
Publish file to RTMP Server (FFMPEG) (BASH)
Trim whitespace from string (LUA)
Trim whitespace from beginning of string (LUA)
HTML Email Address Obfuscation (PHP)
Encrypt with One Time Pad (BASH)
Trim whitespace from end of string (LUA)
Split string on Delimiter (LUA)
Check if table has element (LUA)
Calculate Fibonacci Sequences (Python)
Check for Fibonacci Like Sequence (Python)
Find Prime Numbers in Range (Javascript)
Find all Prime Numbers in Range (Python)
Make ASCII Table (Python)
Blocking Tor2Web (NGinx)
Simple Buffer Overflow Example (C)
Finding Joomla Installs and Checking Version (BASH)
Simple BCrypt Implementation (PHP)
Simple Reverse Shell (BASH)
Password Generator (BASH)
Latest Posts
Querying Obsidian Notes created since a date with obsidian-dataview (Misc)
Uploading images to ShotShare using curl (Misc)
Calculating the difference between subsequent values in SQL (SQL)
List pods running on a kubernetes node (Misc)
Delete all keys matching prefix from Redis (Misc)
flock CLI (Python3)
Have the find Command Invoke A Custom Shell Function (BASH)
Calculating the Total Time Spent In A State (Flux)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto Facebook (Misc)
Constructing a hyperlink to share content onto QQ (Misc)