Lowercase URL Encoding with Urllib in Python3 (Python3)

Python's urllib module is pretty flexible, and contains a bunch of useful tools - including the ability to urlencode strings via urllib.parse.quote()

Unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to specify what case should be used in URL encoding, and defaults to upper-case. Many other libraries/languages use lower case.

This becomes problematic where you're url encoding an authentication token (or similar) - when the other side mints a token for comparison, the two will not match in a like for like comparison (and if the other end urldecodes your input, they're doing more processing on untrusted input that should be necessary - similarly passing through lower will affect the entire token and massively increase the chance of collisions).

This little wrapper function allows you to do a lowercase url-encode


  • Language: Python3


import re
import urllib.parse

def quote_url_lower(url,safe='/'):

    pattern = "%[A-Z,0-9][A-Z,0-9]"

    # Convert the result to a set so each entry is unique  
    result = set(re.findall(pattern,s))

    for r in result:
        s = s.replace(r,r.lower())

    return s

Usage Example

