Ignoring Individual Files in Nextcloud Client (Misc)

I sync my Obsidian notes between machines using Nextcloud.

However, I started running into an issue where Obsidian's workspace.json caused sync conflicts. The file's just a record of which tabs are open so doesn't actually need to be synced.

However, I couldn't exclude it's parent directory from syncing because that contains data that I do care about.

This snippet details how to add a pattern to ignore a pattern when syncing.


  • Language: Misc


    - Manually resolve the conflict
    - Right click the tray icon and Pause sync
    - Right click the tray icon and choose Settings
    - Click the General cog
    - Click Edit Ignored Files
    - Add a pattern to match your file (I used */.obsidian/workspace.json)
    - Click OK
    - Close Settings window
    - Right click tray icon and choose Resume sync