Calculating Mean, Median, Mode, Range and Percentiles with Javascript (Javascript)

The following functions can be used to extract statistics from an array of values in Javascript

With this set of functions it's possible to calculate

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Mode
  • Max
  • Min
  • Range
  • 95th Percentile
  • nth Percentile



/** Calculate the mean value of an array of values
 * @arg array
 * @return mixed
function calcAverage(arr){
    var a = arr.slice();
    if (a.length){
        sum = sumArr(a);
        avg = sum / a.length;
        return avg;
    return false;

/** Extract the maximum in an array of values
* @arg arr - array
* @return float 
function calcMax(arr){
    return Math.max(...arr);

/** Calculate the Median of an array of values
function calcMedian(arr){
        var a = arr.slice();
        hf = Math.floor(a.length/2);
        arr = sortArr(a);
        if (a.length % 2){
            return a[hf];
            return (parseFloat(a[hf-1]) + parseFloat(a[hf])) / 2.0;


/** Extract the maximum in an array of values
* @arg arr - array
* @return float 
function calcMin(arr){
    return Math.min(...arr);

/** Calculate the Modal value
* @arg arr - array
* @return float
function calcMode(arr){
    var ary = arr.slice();
    t = ary.sort(function(a,b){
        }).length - ary.filter(function(val){
    return t.pop();

/** Calculate the 'q' quartile of an array of values
* @arg arr - array of values
* @arg q - percentile to calculate (e.g. 95)
function calcQuartile(arr,q){
    var a = arr.slice();
    // Turn q into a decimal (e.g. 95 becomes 0.95)
    q = q/100;

    // Sort the array into ascending order
    data = sortArr(a);

    // Work out the position in the array of the percentile point
    var p = ((data.length) - 1) * q;
    var b = Math.floor(p);

    // Work out what we rounded off (if anything)
    var remainder = p - b;

    // See whether that data exists directly
    if (data[b+1]!==undefined){
        return parseFloat(data[b]) + remainder * (parseFloat(data[b+1]) - parseFloat(data[b]));
        return parseFloat(data[b]);

/** Calculate the range for a set of values
* @arg arr - array
* @return float 
function calcRange(arr){
    mx = calcMax(arr);
    mn = calcMin(arr);
    return mx-mn;

/** Sum all values in an array
function sumArr(arr){
    var a = arr.slice();
    return a.reduce(function(a, b) { return parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b); });

/** Sort values into ascending order
function sortArr(arr){
    var ary = arr.slice();
    ary.sort(function(a,b){ return parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(b);});
    return ary;

Usage Example

a = [1,2,2,3,5,6,10,5,16,2,3,2];

// 15

// Calculate 95th percentile
// 12.6999999999996

// Calculate 20th percentile
// 2

// 1

// 16

// 2

// 8

// 4.75