Make ASCII Table (Python)

An adapted version of a similar stack-overflow answer.

The primary tweaks made are to ensure the columns actually take the width of values into account

Accepts two lists

  • columns - List of column names to print
  • data - list of dicts, with the keys in the dicts corresponding to the column names specified in columns

Any keys present in data which haven't been specified in columns are ignored



# Adapted From
def make_table(columns, data):
    """Create an ASCII table and return it as a string.

    Pass a list of strings to use as columns in the table and a list of
    dicts. The strings in 'columns' will be used as the keys to the dicts in

    # Calculate how wide each cell needs to be
    cell_widths = {}
    for c in columns:
        lens = []
        values = [lens.append(len(str(d.get(c, "")))) for d in data]
        cell_widths[c] = max(lens)

    # Used for formatting rows of data
    row_template = "|" + " {} |" * len(columns)


    # The top row with the column titles
    justified_column_heads = [c.ljust(cell_widths[c]) for c in columns]
    header = row_template.format(*justified_column_heads)
    # The second row contains separators
    sep = "|" + "-" * (len(header) - 2) + "|"
    end = "-" * len(header)
    # Rows of data
    rows = []

    for d in data:
        fields = [str(d.get(c, "")).ljust(cell_widths[c]) for c in columns]
        row = row_template.format(*fields)
    return "\n".join([header, sep] + rows)

Usage Example

cols = ["daynumber", "day", "weather"]
data = [
    {"day": "Sunday", "daynumber": 0, "weather": "poor", "year": 2016},
    {"day": "Monday", "daynumber": 1, "weather": "worse", "year": 2016},
    {"day": "Tuesday", "daynumber": 2, "weather": "better", "year": 2016},
    {"day": "Wednesday", "daynumber": 3, "weather": "overcast", "year": 2016},
    {"day": "Thursday", "daynumber": 4, "weather": "depressing", "year": 2016},
    {"day": "Friday", "daynumber": 5, "weather": "stay inside", "year": 2016},
    {"day": "Saturday", "daynumber": 6, "weather": "poor", "year": 2016}

print make_table(cols,data)